Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Five Parsecs game set-up


Managed to complete my first game since coming back to the U.S.

Five Parsecs from Home.

 The 9th District Vipers, AKA The Exotics, prepare to scavenge for equipment at a power generating site not expecting anything more than a few civilian workers.

The Exotics are GW Escher figures.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

A new mat


I bought this two sided mat when I was in Atlanta, but it came after I returned to the UK.

It looks great. It is thin, almost cloth like but is rubber, like a mouse mat. It measures 4'x3'

For Zona Alfa, VBCW, County Road Z (when 😁). and anything else I think I can use it for

A cobbled side for dungeons etc

In this case trying out a setting for Five Parsecs from Home

And it came in this lovely cloth bag

My only regret is I couldn't find out from whom I bought it. I think I  bought it on Etsy UK. I hope to find out and will let you know.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

A chance for some painting


Here in Sarasota it is a hard grind!

We, my wife and I, are looking after our grandson while his mother is working in Boston. I don't remember it being so hard to look after a little one!

While cute, it is much better to hand them back after a couple of hours.

I didn't come empty handed to Florida. I brought some things to paint and, of course, have games to play. Not that I have had much of a chance to do either. It saps the energy looking after the little one.

On the paint table are some German and British infantry to bring the squads up to company level. I bought some trucks for the British and a  artillery piece to even the odds a little. (If you care to look at the German available units you will see the huge discrepancy between the forces. I will add some more as we go along. Maybe.)

The Germans

The British with additional officers and the artillery, artillery crew and trucks.

I bought the tractor for scenery. The camp fire I'm not sure where it is from.

All the figures, bar the camp fire, are Heroics and Ros.
If my memory serves me well, it is a 6lb artillery piece. I will have to check that out.
Now of to do a little painting.

Friday 19 July 2024

Quiet selling, and planning


I've been quietly selling some of my figures and boxed games.

I sold some

6mm:- Sassanians and ECW armies.

25mm MiniFigs Pisidians and some Paphlagonian officers.

15mm keep

Space Crusade Eldar attack supplement

Space Crusade Mission Dreadnaught

Heroquest-the original game and four supplements:

Return of the Witch Lord, Kellar's Keep, Against the Ogre Horde and the Adventure Design Kit.

Several books, mostly from the 1980's early '90s with some later armies and enemies and men-at-arms books.

All these have helped with the recent purchases for the various projects. It hasn't really solved any shelf space overly much!

The bids on the boxed games and supplements was way above what I personally would pay but I'm happy they went to people who would value them. And that includes all the items sold.

As I prepare to go to the US, I'm deciding what to take with me. I do have quite a bit over there as it is. The Five Parsecs and Five League figures and terrain. The Frostgrave figures and terrain. The Wild West 15mm Tombstone Tinderbox set. And the 6mm Bolt Action British and Germans.

So far I'll be taking the 6mm BA British and German infantry I bought to expand those forces a little.

Definitely the Zona Alfa, Five Parsecs. And the 15mm buildings for the Wild west.

The rest I will leave behind, including the VBCW and 6mm Napoleonics and the Witchin' Hour figures. All of which (not witch!) pains me considerably! But I will if I get residency.

I did request a quote from a whole collection buyer with a view to selling the Alexandrian and Classical Indian 25mm MiniFigs armies. The offer came back as £0.20 per figure, and that was for ready painted figures. I thought that was more a steal than an offer so I turned that down. I'd rather give them to my younger brother than sell them that cheaply. Which is why I sold those figures on eBay. Some other items didn't sell which is a shame.

Was I being unrealistic in their value, besides emotional value to me? No, I don't think so.

Perhaps when I come back I'll take them to shows where you can rent a table or through a bring-and-buy at a wargames show.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Characters for Five Parsecs. Miners, assault section and transport for A VBCW


I've posted these pictures of some painting I'd done on the other gaming blogs but thought I'd share them on Travels to keep anyone interested in the loop.

We have some character figures for Five Parsecs. Miniatures from Crooked Dice Colony 87

Some figures and transport for for A VBCW.

Mosley Common Miners Militia

Liverpool Free City Assault Section

Transport and scenic vehicles for A VBCW

Monday 24 June 2024

Witchin' Hour. Searching for clues. Scenario 2

 The Witchfinder sent a party of mercenaries (3) and townsfolk (3) out to search the area for evidence after hearing the reports of the villagers.

Only the bowman had armour. The spearman had a shield. All the others had none so as to increase their numbers.

A Witch (1) formed a party of cultist henchmen (4) to hide any evidence of their activity in the area. 

The Witch took the spells Shield and Bind feet. 

The henchmen had the armour previously listed

We sent a group out from the security of the village to investigate the area further. It being thought there was safety in numbers.

They came a cross a derelict church and found a witch and her henchmen collecting what they thought were evidence of their evil doings. A fight for these things ensued and swords were crossed.

The first moves. The Witch and her band are at the far side

The Witches band move up through the church as the Witch moves down the left

The Bowman takes aim at his first victim.

Eat your heart out Robin Hood!

The Witch receives her first would. The shield reduced the effect of the Witch below that of her attacker.

The bowman meets his end after killing the crossbowman.

She can run, but she can't hide. 

The three villagers and a henchman, having dropped off their first collections can be seen in the background hastening to join the fight and collect further evidence.

We gained the upper hand, killing three of their number including the witch, though one of our number was killed.

It was a good day to be a witchfinder.

Monday 10 June 2024

A trip to Great Yarmouth

 On Thursday 6th, I went on a day trip to Great Yarmouth. The weather was very British. Sunshine, rain, warm and cold.

I did though, have a nice time. I also found the following when there.

Norfolk Boardgames, Wargames and Collectables

New and second had figures and terrain. GW, obviously, some historicals, rules books and boxed games. Certainly worth a little of your time.

The Spanish galleon Andalucia

It makes the Golden Hind look like a lifeboat!

Sadly, leaving in a couple of days. A two day trip onboard from Gt. Yarmouth to Holland is €400.

I'd love to go but...

The town walls of Gt. Yarmouth

Not all the seaside shops and amusements were open which spoiled it only a little. But Chinese take-aways, please open before 5pm I'm hungry at lunchtime!

Saturday 25 May 2024

Witchin' Hour. The Curse of Fairhaven. Answering the Call part 2, Battle Report. AAR.


We approached the villagers who seemed in much consternation as to which avenue to escape the two groups approaching them. The villagers were controlled by dice and the table edges numbered 1-4. The villagers moved to table edge as dice roll indicated. It was very amusing. Some villagers were whizzing round the table.

We grew ever closer to the village centre and the opposing force. Crossbow arrows flew each way. Melees began.

All this while questioning any villagers close by.

I was attacked by the coven's Henchmen leader and bested him. 

His men fought on without a care.

We slowly got the better of the enemy. Whittling them down. One man ran away. A 'coward' check, which is a morale check in other rule terminology.

The man who ran

But others fought on until the villagers were no more to be seen. The aim was to question for information (witchfinders) or intimidate into silence (Coven Henchmen).

Witchfinders gained answers from 4 villagers.

The Henchmen intimidated 2 into silence

Two villagers left the area safely of their own accord.

As an introductory scenario is was very pleasing. There were swings in first activation. Shooting was hit and, more usually, miss. Melees were not prolonged, most combatants had only 1 health point. The accumulation of factors in both attack and defence is not long so easily worked out (if you remember them!). I did forget the parry in the first melee but re-did it but with the same dice rolls.

The shields really turned the game, deflecting arrows or sword strokes in the Witchfinders favour.

The Coven Cultist Henchmen were unlucky in that the the polearmed henchmen was the first killed. He could have been lethal in melee. As could have been their leader, but he came upon a wily Apprentice (who threw much better dice).

One thing I didn't use in this first game was interruptions, whereby an opponent can interrupt the opposing player. I will add this next time.

I'm very much looking forward to the second scenario.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Witchin' Hour. First game. The Curse of Fairhaven. Answering the Call

This is a time of troubles. Where magics bring forth things that should not roam this blessed land.

Go forth and cleanse the land of Warlocks, Witches, their cursed minions and the evils they have brought forth!

I trudged wearily over many leagues behind my master, learning the trade of Witchfinder. 

I grew in knowledge as well as age behind him. At his side. Saving his life on the very odd occasion he was caught off guard. But he saved my life many more times. Patiently instructing me on my mistakes, as he saw them. Never scolding. Training, to be better. To one day taking my place as a witchfinder.

There were times I wanted to leave and lead a normal life. That was never meant to be. For how can one rest easy abed when you knew the evils walking the land. Evils that could end up at your door someday.

Word had come to us that strange events were rumoured to be happening in the area some called tierra meiga. Perhaps it was just named such so as to keep secret what was hidden. In it were nestled many towns and villages. The area to investigate was near the village of Fairhaven.

I was sent with some stout fellows to investigate and report back to my master.

The apprentice

has padded armour sword and xbow. She had 2 potions of healing and the skill, Parry.

She took 4 henchmen all with simple armour:-

The 1st with a longbow

The 2nd with sword, short spear and shield.

The 3rd and 4th, with sword and shield.

They are better protected than their opponents.

The Witch's cultist leader also took padded armour, sword and had the skills Parry and Fearless.

He took 5 Henchmen all of whom had simple armour

The 1st took a xbow

The 2nd a Polearm

The 3rd Bow and sword

The 4th and 5th each had a sword.

The Witchfinder apprentice is out numbered but had 3 with shields, so better protected. And she can heal anyone who is injured.

The Coven cultist henchman isn't worried at all if his men survive, Plenty more where they came from!

A sudden, unusual fog descended as we approached the settlement. 

The settlement had a wooden fence for defence, against what I could not know. Only 1'' high so no impediment to movement, but it looked nice! 

I had told my men to question the villagers to see if they knew anything about suspected witchcraft or supernatural events in the local area.

We entered the village, fog swirling around as if to discombobulate us. I shouted encouragement to my men but it seemed as if an echo.

We moved into the village questioning the villagers,. None professed to know of which we spoke, or were afraid to say even if they knew. The first 3 to be questioned all had dice rolls below the required number to give information, as had the two the the coven cultists spoke to so were not quelled into submission. All these villagers just moved away from the questioners.

It was then the mist lifted. We saw armed men coming from the other side of the village.

I urged my men to greater efforts in seeking information that might help us in our quest.


Sunday 7 April 2024

On the paint table

I asked for some Napoleonic French and Austrians for Xmas and have duly received them, so straight in the paint table they go!

Yes, it is very late to receive Christmas presents, but there we are. Thank sons. Some 240 musketeers for the French should give me 4 more elements bringing the infantry to 14. Probably enough for 3 corps. Not so many Austrians but at least 2 cavalry elements, bringing their total to 7, and with the new infantry figures finishing off 2 avant-garde elements making 3 in total.
That gives the French an advantage in infantry even including the Prussians. That means only one thing. More Austrian and Prussian musketeers!

The 3d printed Old West buildings are from and very nice they are too. The roofs are detachable and I've left the doors ajar so figures can shoot out as required.
Now, I need the South of the Border town from Sarissa Precision.

Also, I got these with Wargames Illustrated. Special Ops. They will do nicely for any of the crews in Zona Alfa, should they live long enough to advance!

I'm not going to finish these off. I will need the heads from the Warlords sprue which are in the US.

I hope you liked the update.
Thanks' for dropping by.