The battle continues with the Greeks confident after chasing away the light cavalry and not suffering from the Persian infantry bow fire as they thought they would.
The Persian light cavalry have evaded to a safe distance, the Greek heavy cavalry resisting the impulse to follow up.
The Persian Heavy cavalry charge the Greeks taking no casualties before contact and inflict little on impact.
Arrows flying from the Persians miss their target more than they find them. But the numbers dwindle, if too slowly, against the Psiloi.
The Persian light cavalry return to inflict casualties on the heavy cavalry.
Stalemate on the Greek left flank.
Persian Peltasts are given the order to attack to prevent the Thracians from turning on the Persian heavy cavalry.
Hoplites are in charge reach, the heavy cavalry are under great pressure from the Persians. Can the Hoplites rout the infantry before it is too late?
The Greek heavy cavalry have routed or dispersed and the Persians now manoeuvre on the Greek left flank. The light cavalry with javelins charging the exposed Thracian infantry flank.
The Hoplites are proving ineffectual against the Persian infantry who stand resolute in defence.
Persian light and heavy cavalry now behind the Greek lines causing mayhem and death.
Thracian infantry collapsing under pressure from Peltasts, light and heavy cavalry. Psiloi taking casualties from the heavy cavalry and the Persian infantry inflicting more casualties than they are receiving. Persian light cavalry assault the Hoplite left flank whilst the heavy cavalry attack them from the rear.
Hoplite casualties are too great and the units start to die.
The end is nigh and the Greeks surrender to the mighty Persians.
I liked this battle immensely. The Greeks had a powerful ally in the Thracians who brought along some quality heavy cavalry and ferocious Peltasts. Who, unfortunately, were massacred after being virtually surrounded. The Psiloi gave a good account of themselves inflicting almost as many casualties on the Persians than the Hoplites did.
The disappointment was the hoplite performance against a static defence of bowmen.
I expected a breakthrough here quite quickly to save the day for the Greeks.
The Persian heavy cavalry made hard work of the Greek heavy cavalry but overcame them in the end. The light cavalry performed well but might not have if the Greek heavy cavalry had followed up to rout them from the field.
Of the Persian infantry the Peltasts were efficient, if seemingly reluctant. Whilst the Persian infantry fought heroically from behind their shields.
If this is the best of the Greeks I'd better ask for earth, water and fire.
Now, how do I build a bridge across the Hellespont?
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