Like for many other wargamers, it has been an excellent year for painting figures. Some, more lucky than others, have completed figures held for years. Who knew at the start of the year old, long held in the lead pile, figures would be brought out and painted due to unexpected down time from work? Or time spent at home for other reasons?
My own time at home saw a completion of outstanding figures, though I bought some new ones! A few of the Frostgrave bestiary figures. Now they are almost completed. Hopefully, the Christmas list will provide a few more. I have not asked for many as I want to limit the painting to enable completion before ordering more. That said, I am awaiting a sprue of the new Frostgrave demons. In the new year I will be looking to the Galloping Major for some French and Indian Wars figures and Heroics and Ros for Napoleonic French. The H&R purchase will be several hundred figures so I will need to finish everything before ordering those.
So, have a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year!