Just a quick update on what I'm currently painting. No AHPC (Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge) for me. Just rumbling along painting what is needed or might be needed for games of all sorts.
Pride and joy comes first
I picked these, GP64 Mossynoeci Spearmen, 3 up from eBay. Just so I can say I have some in my Achaeminid army. The number of figures doesn't matter. Perhaps I'll look for some Egyptian Marines next. Not that I actually need them, except to have something to paint and collect a few figures I never bought at the time.
The next are all my sci-fi gaming:-
The first Skaven Plague Monks. Stand-ins for the Feral race from Rattus Norvegicus in Ebaracum Galaxy. Upgraded to formidable force with guns.
The last two, like the plasma pipes and Necron power cells and doors are from the Warhammer Imperial magazines/partworks. I certainly feel they are worth the £8.99 cost.
You will notice the paper buildings in the rear of the pictures. These are off-world habs, downloaded, and printed, from The Wargames Vault. I think they look pretty good.
That is it for now.
Thanks' for dropping by.