Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Little Fox Ford. The aar

Things move fast in this game. 
Being my first attempt with the rules I thought I'd go with a simple scenario using the same movement and ranges as written, though I was using 15mm figures and not 28mm.
And it was over very quickly.

The two sides were both outlaws, of course.
Floyd was a boss (pistol), Benson a gunslinger (pistol) and Bennie a thug (shotgun).

Sam was a Fugitive (pistol), Jeramiah and Velasquez were thugs (pistols).

The Sheriff (pistol) the Deputy (pistol) with three others who were upstanding citizens (2 with pistols and 1 with rifle (the stagecoach shotgun, a rifle being a better choice though not strictly legal)

The first phase started with Benson moving behind a tree from the side of the building to a tree, hoping to shoot someone in the back. 
Velasquez moved(2 moves) down the street to the corner. 
Poker Faced Bennie moved to intercept and let both barrels of his shotgun off, but wasn't holding it tight enough and it bucked-up sending the lead into the air.
Jeramiah ran (two moves) to his friends aid, shot at Bennie and missed.
Sam the Snitch was in two minds, went to support them, shot at Bennie and missed!
Sly-eyed Floyd saw his chance, moved, shot at Bennie who lost his nerve and fled!

The Sheriff, Deputy and Citizens got to the street where the gunfire was heard to find an empty street and wondering what the hell had happened.

It was a funny game and over way too fast.
Maybe it was too close and the movement was too much, but I can see why people like the game.
Benson's move didn't affect the game.
The Sheriff, Deputy and citizens had no chance to intervene as I thought for them to react in the second move to any gunfire. Sam, running away at first contact prevented any necessary intervention.

I can see Floyd wanting to quiet Sam for good. Another showdown is likely.

Merry Christmas from Bradenton, Florida

 Wishing everyone a very merry, and peaceful, Christmas.

I hope you play some good games during the holiday period.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Dirty deeds in Little Fox Ford


A set up for a 15mm game of Dead Man's Hand.

Jeramiah and Velasquez escort Sam the snitch

Sam the snitch came into town to inform on his former colleagues for a $5.000 reward but the sheriff and deputy were out of town. He holed up at the Foxhole Hotel overnight with two friends as protection.

Now, he is going to the sheriff's office.

His former fiends, having heard he was in town to betray them

Sly-eyed Floyd and Poker Face Bennie

Bushwacker Benson

lie in wait.

The forces of law and order

Sheriff Charlie Goodman and deputy Dudley Doolittle.

The town layout. Hotel is in the bottom right corner as you view. Sheriff's office top left as you view.

Friday, 6 December 2024

New rule set


I have the figures. I have the buildings and terrain. And now I have some new rules to play with!

Just couldn't resist buying this rule set.

I have Zombies from Mantic (painted) and from Zombicide (part painted in the UK). I have survivor figures which I've been using for Zona Alfa.

It's all GO once I've read the rules a few times.
