Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Friday, 31 January 2025

County Road Z


I got the rules for this game whilst in the US (see earlier post). I'd seen quite a bit of information, and a couple of videos of it on YT, and it looked right up my street.

As usual, I didn't strictly follow the character development rules. In fact, I didn't follow them at all here!

I diced for everything, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Co-operative. There was a little re-rolling when the same number came up for different statistic. Then also for each skill which was risky but worth the difference.

One Hero

Nick TaylorS3, D1, I2, CO4

Mechanics, Scout, Long Gun, Carry.

Handyman (mechanical skills). Engages in re-enactment societies (ECW) (Scout/Carry). Likes squirrel hunting with his Shotgun.

Two Leaders

Harmony WatkinsS1, D3, I0 CO2

Heavy weapon, Teaching, Archery

Teacher of mathematics at high school. Archery novice (Bow), Blunt weapon (Rounders bat)

Aston BallS3, D1, I2, CO0

Blunt, scavenge, Enter

Burglar (Entry) and petty thief (Scavenge). Bunt weapon (Crowbar)

I was quite satisfied how the dicing came out. 

I'm not sure how I'm going to depict the two leaders not having figures holding blunt instruments or bows. It will be fly-by-wire I think to start. But I might look for suitable figures online. But I won't wait for them or it might be awhile.

I used a name generator for the names, being dissatisfied with my own choices.


Taylor's Diary

The change was sudden.

The virus spread like wildfire. At least that was what people thought it was. What else could it be?

First there were reports about rabid people attacking others for no apparent reason.

And things escalated until whole towns and cities were besieged by whatever these people had become.

I holed up for a while in my workshop until hunger and thirst drove me to seek what I needed to survive. On one forage I saved Harmony who was being cornered by a group of them. I'll call them Z's because they seem like the end of everything. They could easily be called O's, for Omega.

Anyways, We stuck together.

One night, something was scratching at the workshop door. Getting ready to deal out some damage, heart racing, a man jemmied open the door and was extremely lucky to be alive moments later. 

That was how we came by Aston. The workshop wasn't big enough for our needs with three of us and with the door lock broken we decided to search for somewhere to hole up together the next morning. Not that Aston really wanted to in my estimates, but I think he was desperate at that point.

We all were.