It wasn't good. Both Aston and I are in a bad way.
Taking stock I assigned Harmony to build a garden which will be the start of our self sufficiency on food. (1 hardware and 1 labour. Generates 1 food).
I set to building a utility room with a view to establishing power and water. (3 hardware and 3 labour. Provides power and water, which is extra building to do before generating anything).
Ashton I got to rest. He complained, though only half-heartedly.
We decided that the nearest food source would be Hodge's greengrocers. It had tins and jars of food as well as fresh fruit and veg. Well, had fresh fruit and veg.
Management phase
(1) Check Rot - N/A
(2) Hunger score - 2
(3) Assign beds - Each has a bed
(4) Unrest score - 2
(5) Store check - pass Fuel-4, Food-0, Hardware-0
(6) Horde - no siege threat
(7) Departures - none
It's a precarious beginning for sure.
The fact injured survivors can't go on missions was something I didn't expect. I'm not going to stick to that rule. I could handicap the injured instead by -1 for movement and hand-to-hand combat.
In the Road Trip section all members can be used in missions. An injured survivor is still useful even if not totally fit.
This seems a good compromise.