Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Old school Greeks and Persians

Just a few pictures of the Greeks and Persians I have painted to clear the lead pile.

The Persian cavalry are Garrison. I was expecting Early Achaemenid cavalry but I think they are Successor period. I may be mistaken. I will probably sell them on eBay. Half of these were already painted. I have spruced them up a bit and painted the others in a similar fashion for cohesion purposes. I think they go well together.

The Hoplites are GP52's in the main, (MiniFigs) so will do for Early Achaemenids and as enemies of the same. I need some transfers from Little Big Man studios or the like. Not something I have taken a lot of interest in until lately though I know it adds to the visual appeal.
The Greek cavalry, as were most of these old figures, were bought on eBay some while ago. One of the cavalry men is missing an arm! Fortunes of war or the lead pile?
I have around 48 hoplites so a good units worth. With the Thracians it would be a small force. Enough for a small city state, I think.

My next painting stint is clearing some plastic, Warhammer, Knights of Rivendell (6 cavalry), a Frostgrave soldiers box (20 infantry) and the Persian infantry recently purchased (18 infantry). Also, one pack of Prussian artillery in 6mm.

The weather is preventing me from painting in the main. I paint in the conservatory. These days it is so hot you can't stay in their for long, even with the doors open. 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

6mm ancient battle report/aar. Romans vs Ancient Britons

Having a couple of days off I decided that instead of painting I would use the Ancient Britons I had recently painted to wage war. Coupled with that wish was a chance to use the carts and baggage mules painted a while ago and the rarely used Hadrian's wall purchased many years ago at Salute. I think the company was Village Green, now merged with Stronghold Miniatures/Terrain.
The scenario is one probably familiar to many ancient wargamers.
The Romans, as is their wont, went out into the hostile lands to gather supplies from the unwilling natives.
As usual, they were heavy handed and had to crack a few heads. But it takes time to gather tribesmen and sometimes you have to make the best of what you have.

Romans - on the road
2 x Blades ord
2 x Aux ord
1 x Cavalry ord
2 x baggage

Romans - behind the wall
1 x General cavalry ord
2 x Aux ord
4 x Blades ord

Ancient Britons
1 x Knight hvy Chariot
3 x Cavalry ord
4 x warband ord
2 Psiloi ord

A successful mission
Home in sight

The Psiloi appear out of the woods
Is it the normal annoying skirmish?
The Romans march on with the auxiliaries moving to cover the flank

The psiloi close. But a warband appears coming out of the woods
Overview of the position
Centurion is of two minds. There is still a way to go but the auxiliaries wouldn't be able to hold the warband and the psiloi.

He opts for battle prepared and turns to meet the warband.
Expecting the warband to catch them anyway he turns to meet them, hoping there are no more about to spoil his day. The alarm is raised and a return call is heard from the wall garrison.
How long will it take them to come to their aid?

The psiloi move to engage the romans
But are recoiled.

The warband charge in

Heavy fighting sees the warband destroyed.

A resounding win for the Romans
But the Britons aren't finished yet.
 Commander in chariot and cavalry arrive on the other flank. Late.

A view from the wall

A view from the wall.
The Romans are on the march

Psiloi try to hold the Romans up
The psiloi's main aim was to delay the Roman's They weren't entirely successful.
The auxiliaries put the caligae into the psiloi. As well as javelins and swords

Suffering heavy losses, the psiloi were destroyed

The Britons close on the baggage

Squaring up for a cavalry clash.
Knowing the battle was lost, the general of the Britons could not afford to lose even more face in front of his men. He ordered the charge.

Meanwhile, the relief column came ever closer.

Honours even in the cavalry clash, and face saved (partly) the Britons withdraw.

I had hoped the Romans would advance a little further along the path. But, if you play by the dice you must accept the outcome.
As it was with the arrival of the British. It was a bit haphazard, as you would expect from tribal warriors.
I think I will try this scenario again with different troop quantities and starting positions.
But I enjoyed the outing of both armies, and that's what counts.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

New 25mm Persian purchase

I know what I said but my resistance was weak.
I bought some Garrison Persians, PE7,  on eBay. There are 18 figures.

There is a lot of work to do on the figures, not least stripping the enamel paint off. But it will be worth it I'm sure.
I bought them to complement the armoured camelry, PEC7. The following is a picture of a group of 4. I have 10 in total.

I still need some Immortals and other figures but that is some time off, I hope.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Osprey's Ronin game. Save our Brother!

Today was another chance to play the Osprey game Ronin.
I had in mind a rescue scenario.
One member of the Flying Herons, Matsura (Yumi), had been detained over a brawl in the sake bar where he killed a villager The villagers had sent a messenger to the local lord and were expecting some guards to take him for a hearing.
Kiso, the leader of The Flying Herons had sent another member to find out why Matsura hadn't returned. When he was informed he was held in the rice barn awaiting escorting for trial the decision was quickly taken to rescue him.
I took the decision at the start that the gang would have to exit the table from the entry side. Which is the open side of the village. This was intended to make it a little harder for the gang to escape.
The villagers, beside having some people in the village, would enter from any of the other 3 sides. The dice deciding which side and when.
The Ashigaru would enter from the open side but in one corner, to be diced for.

The Flying Herons, from the left as viewed -Kiso, Soma, Kaneko and Matsura
 The village is quiet as the men enter. Most of the villagers are in the fields. A guard, three men, one seated on bags, one pulling a cart and another on the veranda of a house were the only villagers present beside one female villager. I used random movement for the actions of these villagers. The few villagers take little notice not suspecting their intent.

They move towards the nearest villager.

Seeming to make enquiry.

Villagers return from working
An unexpectedly early return!

The Ashigaru appear, led by the Gashira
Both groups appearing on the same turn. Not the best of luck for the Flying Herons.

The guard is rushed and killed!

Matsura is freed!
The escape is on. Which way? Villagers coming from houses and the fields opposite

The commotion brings villagers from the houses

More villagers come from working and hear the noise. What's happened?

Make haste! Something is happening!
The ashigaru hear the noise and ready themselves for trouble.

Exit stage right! 
Dodging behind the house gives the gang cover from sight

The villagers and ashigaru give chase. Except  for the villager running away!

I used dice to determine which way the ashigaru would go.

Into the bamboo grove to escape

The villagers see the gang escaping.

Not a lot of sword action but it was closer than it actually looks.
I diced for:-
The number of villagers at the start.
When the Ashigaru would enter.
When (if) any villagers would enter from the field
How many if they did, by average die
From which direction they would enter from
The number of villagers coming from the houses when, if, the alarm was raised. Again, by average die. Only two.
The direction the ashigaru would take when chasing the gang.

The gang were lucky that the villagers all came from the far side of the village. They could have come from the side where they dodged around the house putting them in a real quandary. Or from behind the village elders house at the closed end of the village.
I was always wondering if more villagers were going to appear and from which direction.

A good ending.

I have a fourth gang to introduce, 'The Wild Boars'. Next time