The terrain is TSS 1' (Total System Scenic ) squares which I have had a long time. It shows a road with another joining it in the bottom left of the picture. The rough patch with trees I classified as a light wood.
The Assyrians are Irregular Miniatures (
The Hittites I am not so sure about as I bought them on eBay as they were described as Irregular. I kept them as they are either Rapier Miniatures ( or Baccus Miniatures(
The scenario is similar to seize the high ground, as the hill is the objective. But mainly it is to drive the opposing force from the area.
The Hittites mean to control the road between two cities by building a fortress on a hill near a road junction which happens to be in Assyrian lands.
They send a small force ahead to seize the hill in readiness for a larger force which is following.
The Assyrians get scant warning and muster a force to contest the invasion.
The picture shows the set-up. Hittites at the top of the picture. The hill is to the left and forward of the Assyrians position. A light wood to the right of the Assyrians and a similar one just to the north of the hill. They played no part in the battle due to the small size of the forces.
Dicing for forces:-
Assyrians 6
4 infantry
1 Archer
1 Cavalry (I chose to use Chariots)
Hittites 4
4 Infantry
1 Skirmish (Bow armed)
1 Cavalry (Chariots)
Turn 1
As the aggressor, the Hittites advanced into the Assyrian domain.
The Assyrians advanced to meet them.
As all the units had moved there was no shooting by the bows of both sides.
Turn 2
The Hittites halt to address the lines and allow the skirmishers to shoot their bows.
The dice were thrown to see if the nobles would charge ahead, but they were in control and stayed in line.
Skirmishers v Infantry 6. A total of 2 casualties after the deduction of 2 and divided by 2.
The Assyrian nobles are bolder and charge ahead into the static Hittites.
The foot halt and allow their archers to bend their bows.
Chariots v Chariots 6 casualties
Archers v Infantry 3
A mighty hammer blow to the Hittite nobles as they reel under the fierce fighting of their enemies spears.
Turn 3
The Hittites are in a quandary, do they hold as planned to allow the skirmishers to inflict more casualties on the infantry? Or advance in case their flank is exposed to the Assyrian chariots who seem invincible?
They hold.
Skirmishers v Infantry 2 casualties
Chariots v Chariots 1 casualty! The shock and awe of Assyria has its effect.
The Assyrians advance to drive the Hittites from the land leaving the archers to shoot their bows.
Archers v Infantry 3 casualties
Chariots v Chariots 1. The Hittites mount a spirited defence.
Turn 4
The Hittites seize their chance and charge the Assyrian foot, the skirmishers holding to inflict more casualties on the infantry facing them.
Skirmishers v Infantry 2 casualties
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 3
Chariot v Chariot 5 The Hittite nobles rally and smite their foe!
The Assyrian Infantry charge into the skirmishers and the archers shoot.
Archers v Infantry 1 casualty
Infantry v Skirmishers 1 The skirmishers are too nimble for the burdened infantry to catch.
Infantry v Infantry 3
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 3
Chariots v Chariots 3
Turn 5
The Hittites infantry unit wheels to flank the Assyrian right wing infantry unit.
Combat all along the battle line.
Skirmishers v Infantry 1 casualty
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 1
Chariot v Chariot 4
A weak performance by the Hittite infantry lets the Assyrians breathe easy.
The Assyrian archers again choose to shoot rather than charging the emerging flank of the Hittite infantry.
Archers v Infantry 3
Infantry v Skirmishers 2
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry V Infantry 2
Chariots v Chariots 3
The Assyrians have the edge in combat so far.
Turn 6
The Hittites complete their wheel and crash into the right hand flank of the Assyrians.
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 6. a bruising clash for the Assyrians.
Skirmishers v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 3
Infantry v Infantry 3
Infantry v Infantry 2
Chariots v Chariots 6
From a poor start the Hittite nobles fight their way back and vanquish their foes with fearsome savagery!
A better combat phase for the Hittites.
The Assyrians look in real trouble.
The archers finally charge the Hittite flank to the relief of their comrades.
Infantry v Skirmishers 2
infantry v Infantry 1
infantry v Infantry 3
Infantry v Infantry 1
Archers v Infantry (flank) 4
Have the infantry lost heart now the nobles have fled the field?
Turn 7
The Hittite chariots move forward and manoeuvre for a flank attack on the archers. The infantry locked in combat don't turn to meet the archers, too busy hacking at their front. (I decided it wouldn't be possible for the whole unit to turn so left them fighting the flanked infantry. If it had been the old days with more stands/elements to the unit I would have turned part of them to face, come back 6th edition!)
Skirmishers v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 3
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 2 The flanked infantry succumb to overwhelming numbers.
The Assyrian infantry have failed to eliminate the skirmishers after hours of combat, weight isn't everything on the battle field.
Infantry v Skirmishers 2
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry 3
Archers v Infantry (flanked) 2 The flanked unit is 1 short of destruction.
Turn 8
The Hittite Chariots wheel and charge the flank of the archers.
The infantry turn to face the archers and the infantry free of opponents, manoeuvres to flank the Assyrian infantry
Skirmishers v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Archers 2
Chariots v Archers 8 The archers reel under the shock of frontal and flank assault. Their demise is not assured as their opponents are on 14 (inf) and 13 (Char)
The Assyrians need a killing frenzy!
The Assyrian response
Infantry v Skirmishers 2 The skirmishers flee the field.
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry1
Archers v Infantry 2 The Hittite infantry die where they fought. Their names will be recorded for all time on the stele to be erected after victory.
Turn 9
The Hittite infantry attack the exposed flank of the Assyrians.
The Assyrian archers turn to face the chariots.
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 6
Chariot v Archers 4
The archers are on 14 and the chariots on 13 it will be a close run thing.
The Assyrians are nothing if not stubborn.
The left wing infantry unit starts its long manoeuvre to re-join the battle
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry 2
Archers v Chariots 6 The nobles rout!
The Hittites still have the upper hand, all they have to do is rout the infantry and reform to defeat the archers and 1 infantry unit.
Turn 10
The Hittite infantry charge the Assyrian exposed flank
Hittite infantry fight the Assyrian infantry 2 on one
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 4
The Hittites are disheartened and fight more defensively but still rout the flanked infantry unit.
The Assyrians continue to wheel whilst one lone infantry unit holds up 3 enemy units.
Infantry v Infantry 3 The right flank Hittite unit is on 14.
Turn 11
The Hittites move in for the kill. Once again flanking the Assyrian infantry, but blocking the left most unit who stand to get their breath back.
Infantry v Infantry 1
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 4 They miss destroying the unit by 1 point
The Assyrians slowly turn their unopposed units.
The lone infantry unit battles on.
Infantry v Infantry 1 The Hittite right wing unit is now on 14
Turn 12
The Hittite infantry fight on.
Infantry v Infantry 2
Infantry v Infantry (flanked) 2
The Assyrians are hacked to death by the tired Hittites.
The archers continue their wheeling.The left wing Assyrian unit turns and charges the rear of the right wing Hittite unit in their moment of triumph.
Infantry v Infantry (in rear) 6 They die whilst praising Wurrukatte for their victory.
Turn 13
The Hittites start to manoeuvre having no enemies to their front.
The Assyrian infantry wheel to engage one of the infantry units and the archers seize a chance to shot.
Archers v Infantry 2
Turn 14
Whoops! The Hittite infantry turn and charge the archers. I didn't see that coming, too clever by half.
Infantry v Archers 1 but it is enough to see the archers off.
The Assyrians wheel and charge the exposed rear of the infantry unit who defeated the archers.
Infantry v Infantry (rear) 8 What is left of the infantry unit flee the field.
The armies are down to one unit each but needing to manoeuvre to face and charge each other. With only one turn left the battle is a draw.
Really close until the last couple of moves where events even surprised me.
A note on the archers.
The rules do not state the die roll for archers but I left it as the number rolled. This because of the area effect of massed bow fire as opposed to the skirmishers less dense zone.
Also, because the archers are not shielded or shieldwall I did not divide the casualties on them by 2
A note on movement.
Why can't ancient army units not about face? Is it always the case that the unit wheels 180 degrees rather than turn the whole unit? Or perhaps counter marching where the files march where the file turns as in a conga and marches opposite to the direction it was facing?
Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoyed this battle.
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