Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Post Christmas

It has been a quiet month. Some painting done, but quite a few unfinished.
I didn't ask for a lot of wargames items for Christmas and always give the option of not buying them if they prefer to get something else. A very important point to make around present giving.
My sons, though, prefer lists to thinking!
I did receive a couple of wargames items which I wanted

The Wargames Annual is now a must. I began collecting them a couple of years ago and have purchased some back issues. They can be purchased from Caliver Books (caliver books). Probably one of the best places to buy books on all manner of military subjects. Bookmark it!

Then there was also some buildings

Listed as Sumerian on Leven Miniatres (.leven miniatures).
I hope to get these 5mm buildings done before March. An easy target!
I just wish someone would manufacture city walls and towers in 6mm for the earlier ancients period.
They have Hadrian's wall and generic types but I would like the more easily identified Assyrian crenellations.
Please someone!

Having put Frostgrave on the back burner I am now painting some figures I had bought for me earlier.

First up was a sigilist and apprentice. Still as a work in progress I am waiting to do all the Frostgrave figures I have before working on the bases. An elementist, her apprentice and 20 soldiers are being worked on. Not without problems as the undercoat seems 'bitty' or powdery. They aren't painting up well. They are the first plastic figures I have done since the Airfix figures in the '60's!
You may notice the badly painted Cuban flag Yellow and green have significance in the Santeria religion. Not that I'm a believer in that.

This next band of misfits will be for Frostgrave. A sorry bunch by the look of them!

I can't remember where, or why!, I got these. But they will fight as well as the next man! I particularly like the burkha dressed fighter with the staff.

I deliberately avoided asking for figures. I need to finish a bag full of 6mm Heroics and Ros English Civil War figures before even thinking about new figures. There are enough for 2 armies.  And then there are the French and Indian Wars English and French to do also.

Hopefully, I will be setting the table up for some ancients action this coming week. The dice will decide which armies get to parade their martial skills. Or lack of them.

Best wishes to everyone for the new year ahead.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Knights of Rivendell

Before I went on holiday I almost completed the painting of the Knights of Rivendell figures my son gave as a present some time ago. I'm not completely sure why he chose this present as we never played Warhammer. We had played Titan Legion's and Spacemarine, epic being a great game. We also played Space Crusade. But no Warhammer. I guess that is partly why it was somewhat down the painting order.
Thinking about painting them I looked on the web for suitable inspiration. It was a lot of the usual colours, like on the box, but there were some great exceptions.
I thought about it and as autumn was coming I thought some orange-brown combination might look nice.
The horses I decided to try my hand at painting as pintos. I had never tried to paint pinto before so it was interesting to see the outcome.
The flesh colour of the elves was difficult. I wanted them not to look too human so did a very pale colour. Actually, screaming skull.
The armour, metal parts and weapons I painted using a few washes of bieltan wash and waywatcher green glaze. Again, I didn't want them to seem too human in their colours. Is it jade? Mithril silver seems too human.
The cloaks and clothing are a mix of yellow ink and casandora yellow. Again, several layers
I'm fairly pleased with the overall look of the figures as they stand. I will no doubt work a little more on the flesh and horses.  Also, I will work on the bases when I order some suitable autumnal flock for the base to set it off.
But to all intent and purposes they are done.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Mambru has left the war

As usual, going on holiday is more relaxing than going to work. What is more, you can learn something new.
On holiday in Cuba I came across a rather strange picture of something like a bogeyman in a shop selling, IMHO overpriced Spanish ceramic ware,.
Who or what was Mambru
It turns out this bogeyman was the Duke of Marlborough!

It was explained, by my dear wife, that this was a children's song in Spain, though it was actually a French song in origin. It is about the death and burial of Marlborough. Unfortunately for the French it wasn't true. It came about after the rumoured death of Marlbrough after the battle of Malplaquet.
It is rather a long song so I won't set it down here.

But here is a more serious version in Spanish
Mambru se fue a la guerra

Mambru se fue a la guerra

And a French baroque version

Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre

Rather nice.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Coincidence? I think not!

Whether you believe in coincidence/synchronicity or not,  somethings are just spookily joined in some way.
I refer to my latest post about the French and Indian Wars figures I was recently given for my birthday. And what was on TV this weekend? The Massacre at Buffalo Valley, based on the Penn's Creek raid by Delaware Indians in 1755..
Does it confirm destiny? Probably not. But still spooky!

Saturday, 6 October 2018

A new beginning. French and Indian Wars

 I shouldn't be surprised, but constantly I am.
Now I will have to buy the Musket and Tomahawk wargames rules. If I can find a copy. Or wait for the 2nd edition.
Because my son bought me a box each of the French and British for the French and Indian wars..
And the lead pile, and plastic, was diminishing so well!
But that didn't include things yet to be discovered.
Like the Chariot Miniatures ALM6 and ALM8.
The reason I have these was, long ago I tried my hand at 15mm wargaming. A Macedonian army and some English medieval armies, De Montfort and Warrene as it happens.The principal figures of which De Montfort, Warrene and sons were professionally painted. All that difficult heraldry is still beyond me.
So I sold these off years ago to the wargames shop that used to be in Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire. I'm sure they couldn't believe their luck.
So these must have been the left overs, unpainted and forgotten. Until today. Plus, some 'spare' pikemen, painted but not based.
I will probably put these on eBay as I can't see myself painting or using these. That said, I recently tried to sell some 25mm Greeks ( Museum Miniatures, I think) with the separate heads etc but to no avail.

So, I'm not over-keen on painting these F&I Wars figures. But I will put my best brush forward when I catch up to them. I have a maximum of 3 years to do them but each painting day brings the numbers to paint down.
Except I'll need some woodland Indians. Some militia for both sides. Some civilians, for both sides.
I think I'll have a lie down!

Saturday, 18 August 2018

6mm Ancients Battle report, Early Achaemenid Persians vs Assyrians

The premise for the battle was reports of a member of the ruling house surviving the fall of Nineveh. They could be the rallying point for any army elements remaining so must be eliminated.
A force was sent to capture or kill the aforesaid person, said to be in a town in the north.

Little did I know that this would be an 8 day battle! First it was the heat in the conservatory then it was work commitments. Luckily, I could leave the game set up.
It has somewhat interfered with the painting though.

The Persians had a higher points total as I felt that the Assyrians would have had the bulk of any forces defending the capital.
I am, again, using the 'In Death Ground' rules.

The Persians, as the attackers, are delegated as side one. This means they go first each turn. Again, I thought this appropriate.
The strategy of each was the Assyrians would be on the defensive and the Persians would advance to attack. With a larger force I didn't expect too much trouble for the Persians.

The Persian host.

On the right the Assyrians defend the town

As can be seen, the Persians have the larger force. The lighter elements of the army are raw.
There are:-
2 large, 4 elements in DBA, units of Sparabara
3 heavy cavalry units including the general
1, 4 element light cavalry with javelins
1, 2 element unit of Scythian horse with bow.
1 unit, 4 element, of raw, warriors (Mesopotamian infantry)
1  element of raw, skirmishers.

The Assyrians have:-
2, single element units of warrior bowmen.
2, single element units of armoured warriors,
1 unit of 2 elements of elite armoured warriors
1 unit of 2 elements of warrior bowmen.

The Persian light cavalry advance on both wings. The right having a heavy cavalry unit.
The Persian advance.
The Assyrians are quite nervous.


The Assyrian cavalry advance on the left.
and into contact

inflicting the first casualties

This cavalry battle was to last quiet a few rounds.
The Persians were confident and advanced their army regardless.

The L/C of the left wing advance on the town.
The Persians close and set to shooting.
Meanwhile, the right wing cavalry lose an element of light cavalry,after the reserve Assyrian heavy cavalry move up and flank them.  The Persian reserve heavy cavalry move into a position to intervene the next turn.
Which they do the next turn as the second element is eliminated
Bow fire from both armies is not causing many casualties.
After turn 4 the Persians move to contact.

and stop short!
The left wing cavalry action
Seeing the light cavalry heading for the town the armoured warriors move to intercept, which they do. The cavalry bounce off and spend the rest of the battle skirmishing to little effect.

The chariots arrive!
After 2 rounds of combat, and terrible dice rolls for late arrivals, the Assyrian Chariots make an appearance.
The combat between the foot soldiers was slow and heavy going. Not many casualties inflicted. Those that were, were successfully diced to be removed. This makes armies very resilient under these rules.
The morale check for seeing enemy chariots caused some reaction..

Once into contact the battle was hard fought.
The Persian right wing cavalry began to lose and were eliminated.
The victorious Assyrian cavalry attacked the back of the Persian line killing the general.
The Persians gained disorder points for failing morale checks but held the line. But the battle was lost the next period as the first of the sparabara units was killed

There are elements of these rules I like.
But it was an overlong game. I am not sure I like the prolonged combat. Taking off the disorder points is all well and good for the first points but I feel it may be best not to continue using that rule. Disorder is quite hard to inflict in the first place IMHO under these rules.Yes, there may be times when disorder could be restored but I don't think it should be done every turn.
I'll probably try that the next time if I use these rules.

Honestly, I couldn't believe the Persians were going to lose this battle. That was especially so when the chariots didn't show until move 7. I always thought the numbers were going to overbear the Assyrians.
I need more of them!

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Old school Greeks and Persians

Just a few pictures of the Greeks and Persians I have painted to clear the lead pile.

The Persian cavalry are Garrison. I was expecting Early Achaemenid cavalry but I think they are Successor period. I may be mistaken. I will probably sell them on eBay. Half of these were already painted. I have spruced them up a bit and painted the others in a similar fashion for cohesion purposes. I think they go well together.

The Hoplites are GP52's in the main, (MiniFigs) so will do for Early Achaemenids and as enemies of the same. I need some transfers from Little Big Man studios or the like. Not something I have taken a lot of interest in until lately though I know it adds to the visual appeal.
The Greek cavalry, as were most of these old figures, were bought on eBay some while ago. One of the cavalry men is missing an arm! Fortunes of war or the lead pile?
I have around 48 hoplites so a good units worth. With the Thracians it would be a small force. Enough for a small city state, I think.

My next painting stint is clearing some plastic, Warhammer, Knights of Rivendell (6 cavalry), a Frostgrave soldiers box (20 infantry) and the Persian infantry recently purchased (18 infantry). Also, one pack of Prussian artillery in 6mm.

The weather is preventing me from painting in the main. I paint in the conservatory. These days it is so hot you can't stay in their for long, even with the doors open. 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

6mm ancient battle report/aar. Romans vs Ancient Britons

Having a couple of days off I decided that instead of painting I would use the Ancient Britons I had recently painted to wage war. Coupled with that wish was a chance to use the carts and baggage mules painted a while ago and the rarely used Hadrian's wall purchased many years ago at Salute. I think the company was Village Green, now merged with Stronghold Miniatures/Terrain.
The scenario is one probably familiar to many ancient wargamers.
The Romans, as is their wont, went out into the hostile lands to gather supplies from the unwilling natives.
As usual, they were heavy handed and had to crack a few heads. But it takes time to gather tribesmen and sometimes you have to make the best of what you have.

Romans - on the road
2 x Blades ord
2 x Aux ord
1 x Cavalry ord
2 x baggage

Romans - behind the wall
1 x General cavalry ord
2 x Aux ord
4 x Blades ord

Ancient Britons
1 x Knight hvy Chariot
3 x Cavalry ord
4 x warband ord
2 Psiloi ord

A successful mission
Home in sight

The Psiloi appear out of the woods
Is it the normal annoying skirmish?
The Romans march on with the auxiliaries moving to cover the flank

The psiloi close. But a warband appears coming out of the woods
Overview of the position
Centurion is of two minds. There is still a way to go but the auxiliaries wouldn't be able to hold the warband and the psiloi.

He opts for battle prepared and turns to meet the warband.
Expecting the warband to catch them anyway he turns to meet them, hoping there are no more about to spoil his day. The alarm is raised and a return call is heard from the wall garrison.
How long will it take them to come to their aid?

The psiloi move to engage the romans
But are recoiled.

The warband charge in

Heavy fighting sees the warband destroyed.

A resounding win for the Romans
But the Britons aren't finished yet.
 Commander in chariot and cavalry arrive on the other flank. Late.

A view from the wall

A view from the wall.
The Romans are on the march

Psiloi try to hold the Romans up
The psiloi's main aim was to delay the Roman's They weren't entirely successful.
The auxiliaries put the caligae into the psiloi. As well as javelins and swords

Suffering heavy losses, the psiloi were destroyed

The Britons close on the baggage

Squaring up for a cavalry clash.
Knowing the battle was lost, the general of the Britons could not afford to lose even more face in front of his men. He ordered the charge.

Meanwhile, the relief column came ever closer.

Honours even in the cavalry clash, and face saved (partly) the Britons withdraw.

I had hoped the Romans would advance a little further along the path. But, if you play by the dice you must accept the outcome.
As it was with the arrival of the British. It was a bit haphazard, as you would expect from tribal warriors.
I think I will try this scenario again with different troop quantities and starting positions.
But I enjoyed the outing of both armies, and that's what counts.