Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Sunday, 25 August 2019

6 mm ECW mini-game

This bank holiday weekend, 24-26 August, I'd thought I'd try to get a game or two in with the ECW armies.
Rules used will be DBR
Initially, two small forces sent to secure some arms in a small town, Ashgrove. Neither force knows the other is coming and, by coincidence, have the same forces available:-
Two troops of horse and one of dragoons.(I had thought to include a regiment or two of foot but I wanted a small game).
Parliamentary horse are Pistols, inferior.
Royalists are Pistols, fast.
Both Dragoon troops are ordinary.

The tiles are Total System Scenics. Four, 1 foot square tiles bought many years ago for 15 mm skirmish gaming. You will see the two areas of rough ground, a few trees and the 'T' junction where the town is situated.
Two small farms with hedged fields complete the field of battle to come.

Thus, the two forces appear on the roads leading to Ashgrove.

Captain Hodgkiss with his Parliamentary horse and a troop of dragoons

Captain Sutcliffe of his Majesties Horse and a troop of dragoons

Both forces proceeded up the road until they spied each other.

Captain Hodgkiss ordered his dragoons forward into the filed, hoping to enfilade the Parliamentary horse. He stood at the halt waiting for them to advance.

But Captain Sutcliffe sent his dragoons through the wood. They gained the advantage and with their first salvo decimated the Royalist dragoons.

At this unfortunate turn of events Hodgkiss advanced to contact with the Parliamentary horse, hoping to settle the matter as between gentleman and commoners. Taking fire from the Parliamentary horse which impeded their impact on contact, the Royalist horse recoiled from the clash.

Hodgkiss decided that as the odds were against him, with the dragoons free on his right flank, to retire from the field.

I was sorely tempted to charge again but the dice decided the Royalists would retire in good order. Thus saving the troops for the war to come.

The Royalists didn't have a lot of luck in the dice rolls.
Perhaps they will do better next time

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Brtain's Toy Soldiers and What a Tanker!

I visited the auction house of W&H Peacock in Bedford last Friday (9th August). I hadn't been for a couple of years after it moved out of Bedford itself to a new build just off the A421. Living in Milton Keynes it just didn't seem to be worth it just to visit the auction house. I used to like walking round the centre afterwards and do a little shopping, before both the relocation and Bedford councils rapacious parking department took away most of the free parking areas.
Having a stroll round the auction house, as you do, I came across this display of Britain's in a display case.

Some nice pieces even though I don't collect them my self. I especially like the elephants and the Indian soldiers. Lovely.
Also, there was a display of antique firearms. These look just right for the north west frontier!

Whilst there I came across a box of tanks and other vehicles. New. Unopened. And my thoughts turned to 'What a Tanker'. But I'm not a WW2 sort of guy! But, boy, did I want them! After taking down the lot number the rush of blood to the head subsided. A little rationality sank back in. Better, if I was going to do WaT would be to do it in 6mm for which I have more buildings and scenery. I'm sure it's quite possible and very few tanks would be required so minimal cost. Few! A couple of hundred pounds saved. For now.

I didn't see anything else worth bidding on that day

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

6 mm ECW

My painting of the Heroics & Ros English Civil Wars figures got off to a good start. It continued with some moments (days!) of respite.
I now have:-
10 elements of foot, only 6 shown here, with flags to be added. I say element but each is equal to 4 normal 40 x 20 mm elements.
As you can see, I have based each battalia on one base of 80 x 40 mm. I like the look of it.
Originally, as I had done previously with my first ECW army, I was going to have different sized units. But practicality took over and I am pleased with the overall look of the units,

9 elements of dragoons on foot

12 elements of dragoons on horse

14 elements of horse

I have about 4 more units of foot to add but only after purchasing some more shot figures to make up the units. With a few more foot regiments I will have two small ECW armies. I have another batch of figures which will give me another regiment of horse (2 elements).
I seem to have an abundance of dragoons. Much too many I think, with more to paint. I will base the additional dragoons as commanded shot
Even so, it is a force larger than either of the other two renaissance armies I currently have.

I am pleased it went so well.