Sunday 22 March 2020

On the paint table

During the last few weeks I've been painting on and off. Mostly off. Painting for 30 minutes or so every now and then. Painting can be a slow affair sometimes. I have, though, started the British for the French and Indian Wars. It doesn't mean I've finished the French and Indians, I haven't.
I also bought, quite cheaply, some Garrison (?) Persian Infantry.

Here are a few pictures of where I'm at:-

I like the look of these figures. I will have to replace the mdf shields for white metal ones. You can't fight effectively with an mdf shield though I suppose it is no less effective than a wicker one!


  1. Despite the bulk of my gaming being 6mm I have a single FIW figure on my painting table at the moment. This is a Mohawk warrior from Galloping Major and is the first 28mm figure I have laid a brush on for over a decade. I'm enjoying the change of pace so will probably buy a few more for skirmish gaming. As a result I shall watch your progress with interest.

    1. Hi! Elenderil, It's strange how things can come about accidentally. As blogged sometime earlier, my son bought the F&i Wars British and French as a gift. I had no intention before then of starting this period. But, I'm happily moving along, a little faster than with the Frostgrave. Another Xmas present were the Mohawk and Huron. I wanted to stay small as I want to keep the lead pile small.
      I hope you find more of interest in future blogs.

      Thank you
