Wargaming, wargames, battles with miniature figures,Ancient wargaming, Renaissance wargaming. 6mm wargaming. 25mm wargaming. DBA. Ronin. WRG. Skirmish wargaming. Napoleonic Wargaming. Osprey. Blucher AAR. Blucher Battle Reports Ancient AAR. Ancient Battle Report
Saturday, 31 December 2022
Happy New Year!
Monday, 28 November 2022
Game mats. Who needs them?
Tuesday, 8 November 2022
I found these great t-shirts on red bubble (Immortal)
And the Ishtar Gate (Ishtar gate)
I think they will be great for next summer.
There are other designs, and more covering Mesopotamian civilisations if you'd like to take a look.
I have no association with redbubble and do not receive monetary gain from posting. Just sharing a product wargamers might not be aware of and might like.
Sunday, 6 November 2022
Wood elves
Having a grand total of one elf I thought I'd put that right. I bought two more, wood elves.
Both from Forlorn Hope Games (forlornhopegames.co.uk). As you can see one is bow armed and the other a bard with lyre and sword.
Just what a hero needs, someone to sing songs of your heroic deeds.
These are useful for Sell Swords and Spell Slingers as well as the 5 Leagues from the Borderlands.
Monday, 10 October 2022
Last projects. Probably
I'm at a crossroads in my wargaming life.
Being on the wrong side of 21 by a factor of 3(+ a couple) I'm wondering about my last projects. I've rather embraced the skirmish type of games in recent years and I'm blaming the F&IW present from my son. Not that that is a complaint as it is really enjoyable.
Moving onto Frostgrave, The Silver Bayonet and Sell Swords and Spell Slingers (encompassing Forbidden Lands) has been quite exhilarating. Many figures painted for future use.
And then comes 5 Leagues from the Borderlands (5LFTBL) and 5 Parsecs from Home (5PFH). Both RPG campaigning systems just right for solo play or where the opposing enemy on the tabletop could be controlled by another.
I'm lucky in that I have a lot of figures now so the 5LFTBL would be quite an easy fit into my wargaming world. That's not to say I wouldn't need the odd figure here or there. Possibly. Probably.
But I like to fill time painting figures and it is an enjoyable pastime in itself so it is quite likely I'll purchase some others to keep busy.
I was looking forward to getting 5LFTBL for my birthday, which has just gone and is now in my possession! That is a great start.
I've decided to start a new blog solely for 5LFTBL (Khusru's 5 Leagues from the Borderlands) and likely to do the same for 5 Parsecs from Home in the near future
And I've just bought a sprue of Stargrave Troopers (Northstar Miniatures, northstarfigures) off eBay. These can easily pose as police or government troops. I'm not going to buy a whole box of anything other than for the crew, likely opponents can be cobbled together from the other 16 or so figures. Or not. I've just ordered two robot figures. Specialists and civilians will likely be needed. Or they can be alluded to if I don't fancy going fully down that route. As above, I like to paint to fill time so it is likely I'll NEED them.
There is always something surprising coming down the road.
Thanks' for visiting.
Monday, 26 September 2022
CIA Museum
I just read an article on the BBC website about the CIA Museum at Langley. A restricted museum. The article had blanked out pictures but I Googled CIA Museum and found out a little more about it.
One extraordinary piece of information was that special forces engaged in cavalry charges. Can anyone confirm this from other sources? Well, you know the reputation of the CIA for misdirection, right?
And does anyone do special forces on horseback with an M46 or M48? Bizarre much?
As the saying goes ;- You learn something new every day.
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
The Silver Bayonet
Two new figures to add to my F&IW Silver Bayonet monster range.
These two are from First Nations mythology so should fit right in.
Flying Head
and the Wendigo
As gruesome a pair as you are likely to find in your nightmares!
I was really pleased to find some pre-European folklore figures though I wish there were a couple more. I am undecided about Skin-Walkers or the Deer Lady both of which could be portrayed as animal figures.
I'll keep searching I think.
Thanks' for dropping by.
Sunday, 11 September 2022
Don't Look Back!
I'm blessed. I saw this game on Guerrilla Miniature Games on YT (Don't Look Back) or Black Site Studios (blacksitestudio.com) and liked the look of it. It is similar in some ways to 7TV in that is played like a film. With plots and markers to investigate.
The game comes boxed with figures, rules and accessories. Any scenics/terrain will need to be purchased though many may have the basics of trees, rocks even buildings they can use rather than buying the proffered offerings on the website.
It is in the horror genre so not for the young IMHO.
Here are a few pictures of the cast:-
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The cast of innocent teenagers |
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The deranged, evil killer |
From the expansion Blackhearts. Why not call it a sequel? There are figures only in the expansion. There are further scenarios you can purchase from the website.
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The twins, allegedly on the side of good |
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Three more allegedly on the side of good |
Yet to play a game. I have more The Silver Bayonet and Sell Swords and Spell Slingers to game yet but time spent painting is never wasted. And I rather enjoy painting these days.
And there are some Napoleonic French cavalry from Heroics and Ros to finish also.
Happy days!
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
The Silver Bayonet-The Investigation, F&IW style
This is my first game of The Silver Bayonet using my French and Indian Wars figures.
The unfortunate consequences of people invading your lands is they, unwittingly, bring spirits and folklore creatures from their own lands. There are people who try to contain the mischief and evil of these spirits and creatures.
SP=speed; MEL=melee, ACC=accuracy with weapon, DEF=defence, COUR=courage, H=health
The parties:-
The Spirit Watch (All have native scout ability)
Sachem, Walks with wind - SP6, MEL2, ACC+1, DEF14, COUR3, H3
Abilities-supernatural veteran, unflappable,
Equipment:- Special-cold shot, silver shot, silver weapon (tomahawk)
General - Musket & cartridge box.
Champion of Faith x 1 = 20 Spirit Talker - SP6,MEL+0, ACC+0, DEF13, COUR+2, H12
Abilities-miracles, supernatural veteran,
Equipment - General-hand weapon
Veteran Hunter x 1 - 30 Black Hawk - SP6, MEL+2, ACC+2, DEF14, COUR+0, H12
Equipment - Special-cold iron weapon (spear), silver weapon (tomahawk)
General-hand weapon
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Walks with Wind, Spirit Talker and Black Hawk |
Native Scout x 5 =50pts Great Elk, Running Water, Leaps like Fish, Grey Cloud, White Wolf
SP6,MEL+1, ACC+1, DEF13, COUR+2, H12
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Great Elk, Running Water, Leaps like Fish, Grey Cloud and White Wolf |
The Colonial Commission
The Special Commissioner - Major Walkden (rtd) - SP6,MEL+1, ACC+2, DEF14, CPOR3 H13
Abilities - Hard to put down, Inspiring
Equipment -Special-Cold iron shot, silver shot.
General - Two pistols
Supernatural Investigator 1 x 22 - Thomas Holland - SP6, MEL+2, ACC+1, DEF14, COUR+0, H12
Abilities - Supernatural veteran, monster expert
Equipment - Heavy weapon, pistol
Irregular 1 x 15 Gordon Isherwood - SP6, MEL+1, ACC+1, DEF12, COUR+0, H10
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Maj. Walkden, Thomas Holland and Gordon Isherwood |
Junior officer 1 x 22 Lt Oliver Cromwell - SP6, MEL+2, ACC+1, DEF13, COUR+2, H12
Abilities - Unflappable
Equipment- Sword, 2 pistols
Infantrymen 3 x 10 = 30 Jubal Houghton, Michael Sutcliffe, Jeremiah Jones
SP6, MEL+1, ACC+1, DEF13, COUR+0 H10
Equipment - musket and cartridge box
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Lt. O. Cromwell, Jubal Houghton, Michael Sutcliffe and Jeremiah Jones |
And after the game when writing this is when I realised The Commission were one man short. I had it down as 4 infantrymen but only played 3. Ah! well, perhaps he was sick that day. It may have changed the game but it's too late now. This is how it went:-
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The Colonial Commission start point |
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The Spirit Watch start point |
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The Spirit Watch move first |
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End of turn one |
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Spirit Talker finds the first clue |
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Jubal Houghton finds the second |
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Jeremiah Jones heading off to the cornfield in the distance |
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The goblin |
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Sachem takes a shot |
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White Wolf shoots and hits |
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He returns fire |
Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Sell Swords and Spell Slingers/Forbidden Lands
Continuation of my SS&SS/FL campaign.
The party stayed a while in Lorimer. (Abbreviated story)
Halfdan learning the Merchants Trade,
Old Tom bought a Shield and Sword
Batilde learned Horde Fighting
Sigilla Bought a scroll to Protect Others and a Sword. She also learned the spell.
The party had heard the tale of an Elven Ruby said to be in a ruined monastery north east of Lorimer, beyond the The Shroud. No one actually knew what an Elven Ruby was like, or how much it would be worth. The tale was a little short on how it had been acquired.
They thought it worth their while to venture and see what else might be valuable there. The bit about Ogres was a bit vague. Weren't they solitary creatures? Not very nimble?
Equipped for a long trip they set out.
The route avoided the The Shroud, a dense wood rumoured to contain a dungeon and many evil beasts. Best not to take too many chances.
They espied the wood 14 days later after a largely uneventful journey. Camping outside without a fire lest it attract unwelcome attention, they spent a cool night resting. Sleeping in turns.
For this game the ruin is an old monastery.
The wandering monsters are Ogres using the Green Goblin statistics, or single Wolfkin (as detailed below), with alteration for damage and treasure.
DL12; HP 6, Dam 1,
Ogre treasure:-
Roll 1 D6
1= Artefact, 2-5= 2xD6 SP, 6=Potion then roll 1D6 for SP
Wandering Monsters (Ogres, only 2 on the table at any one time. When two on a single Wolfkin is a wandering monster)
Ambush (Wolfkin, in this case Knolls, using Orc statistics)
DL8; HP1, DAM1, SP1D6+1
Let us continue:-
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The interior of the monastery |
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The party looking from the treeline at their target |
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Two further views of the monastery |
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Sigilla races ahead before any Ogres show up |
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Old Tom Ambushed! Halfdan sees something in the bushes and finds a bag of coins worth 12SP |
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Sigilla in the monastery, searching. The Ogre appears |
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Old Tom and Halfdan try to outfox the ogre by going round the well. He is smarter than the average Ogre and cuts across |
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Batilde takes on the Ogre as another enters the field. |