Stokesay Castle

Stokesay Castle
Just a great place to visit

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It's been an unusual year of wargaming for me. I have really put myself out to complete things in a way I haven't for some years. The clock is ticking down!
This year I have painted a fair amount of lead. In fact over the last 3 years there has been an awful lot of painting. It is one of those things that must be done. At least the lead pile has slightly diminished. Not that it helped buying some more figures which also needed painting. At least it has been manageable. Still, there is a long way to go.

It has also been a good year for reading blogs.

The Doom of Aethelweard has been an interesting one to follow if you like skirmish gaming set in the  Anglo Saxon/Viking era (The Doom of Aethelweard)

Another has been a Frostgrave campaign, Stonehell:-
(Tower of the Archmage)

Two painters I found I like are Michal Kucharski and Guido Aydin. There work can be found at the following:-

(Michal Kucharski)

(Guido Aydin)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy, Prosperous game filled New Year!

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Ronin, 6mm City walls and painting

I haven't been idle since my last post.
I finished the Village Elders House for Ronin. This was much too finicky for my liking. But I got there in the end.

Also, scratch built city walls for a 6mm ancients game.

They are only card quick builds but sufficed for the game. Pictured are the four towers, gateway, two long wall and three short wall sections. I should look for some buildings to put in it .
Pictured for scale are some Hittite chariots and foot. I think they are Rapier or Baccus but would stand corrected if anyone can identify them.
I have some Irregular Miniature light infantry that I will stick on the wall sections to be used as a garrison.
I may have a go at the Ishtar gate! But it will be a little plainer than the actual. It would take up too much room on the table I think.

Having completed the painting of the Austrian and Prussians I had, and a few I further purchased, I am turning my hand to other pieces in the lead pile.
Currently I am painting one pack of H&R Ancient British infantry I sneaked in with the order for the Austrian and Prussian Napoleonics. You may remember the four warbands from an earlier posts.

Along with, a 25mm 4 horse Persian Chariot from Naismith I bought on eBay some months, a year?, ago . At least it said it was Persian, which is true, but I think it is Seleucid and not Achaemenid which is what I wanted. I have trawled the net looking for a picture but can't find one as yet.. We shall see what it comes out like. One thing about the model is the flimsy nature of the axle. I am so afraid of breaking it. Another is the horses that go in the middle are a very tight fit and I had to bend the poles to get them in.. I want to paint them before assembling. Still time to look for a picture.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Wargaming. 25 mm Armies. 25 mm Ancients

A sad end to last week.
I put two armies on eBay. These were the first armies I bought, together from the same seller if memory serves me well. Around 1981 I bought some Greek Hoplites with cavalry and bow. I also bought some Romans with the same. I think, now, they are s range Mini-Figs. I enjoyed them for a long while before I moved onto Achaemenid Persians, Late army unfortunately! They win once a year, if lucky!
As you can see from my postings I have been moving to 6mm in a big way in the last 4 years or so.
I am not sure how many 6 mm armies I will be painting. I have some ECW to do in the lead pile. I want to have a 6 mm French Napoleonic, and I have the Mongols in 15 mm and an unspecified opponent to do. Not too much is there!
Plus! Maybe, Frostgrave. Circumstances change and I know this may not be a realistic project anymore. Perhaps I'll get my sons to buy a job lot between them. Luck would have it.

The Romans

Roman Officer

Roman Cavalry
Side view showing some bow, legionary and cavalry

Greek Hoplites

Greek Bow

Greek Cavalry/Mounted Hoplite
Greek Cavalry Officer

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Blucher/Napoleonic update

The building goes on.
Even though I have almost painted all the figures I had, and a few more I found for the Prussians, I have still ordered around 8 packs of figures! That's another 400 figures to paint. An ever morphing lead pile but one at least going down. The Prussians have mostly been painted but the Austrians have yet to arrive.
One thing I am lacking is horse artillery for both armies. I think I will have to order one of the other nations packs as neither has these in the H&R catalogue. Probably an October/November purchase depending how long it takes to complete the soon to arrive Austrians. That's another 2 packs! Luckily, I have plenty of artillery crews and guns but it wouldn't look right without the horse and limbers IMHO.

The ordered Austrian infantry will take the units over the 12 minimum for 3 corps. With the units already painted, the ordered figures; and the mixed types already painted but too few to make into units, I will have a good basic Austrian army.
True, the artillery and crews and command groups are still to be added but we are close to the first phase on this army.
In fact, I keep leaving the command figures for both armies to one side. I'm not sure why this is but will need to finish them at some stage.
2 line infantry units
1 Grenadier unit
2 Jager units (which I can use instead of Grenzers)
2 Cuirassier units
1 Hussar unit
1 Uhlan unit
1 mixed unit of Hussars and Uhlans
1 mixed, half base of Uhlans and Cuirassiers awaiting infantry to be an avant-garde unit.

The Austrian cavalry

Two units of Jagers
I read that some units retained the old uniform and thought a mixture would be a good look.

The entire Austrian army as at present.

The Prussian army is also taking shape. Four infantry units, with enough for another two, and two cavalry at the moment. I have some light infantry to base which will be 2 units.. With some more figures on the way, mainly hussars of which I have none at present, it will be at minimum requirements of 9 units, 3 corps of 3 units.
4 infantry units
1 Cuirassier unit
1 Towarczys lancer unit

The Prussian units

The Prussian cavalry
The Towarczys are above strength as I think they should have a maximum of 10 figures
but they are based separately and have no bonuses in Blucher. The Cuirassiers are next to them 

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Poems for Wargamers 4

The other side of the valley

I am a prisoner in the hands of the enemy,Enduring the shame of captivity.My bones stick out and my strength is goneThrough not getting enough to eat.My brother is a MandarinAnd his horses are fed on maize.Why can’t he spare a little moneyTo send and ransom me?
Just completed 2 bases of Prussians. No time to post pictures but I will when I return.Leaving for Cuba today and back in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Blucher update

Things are moving slowly but with some more basing started.
I am waiting for some standards and flags but will proceed with the Austrian infantry before starting the Prussians.
I am working through how to base the avant-garde and have mixed some hussars and uhlans to give a mixed light cavalry division. I will mix some hussars, uhlans and cuirassiers for a mixed cavalry division.
But I definitely need some more infantry.
I am basing the infantry with a single cannon to show attached artillery and there will be several cavalry figures to show a mixed brigade/division.

Now 2 cuirassier divisions

Hussars to the front with a mixed light cavalry division behind

3 light cavalry divisions

The 3 infantry divisions.
The grenadiers have the standards and still need additional figures

To the right of the grenadiers is  a division of  infantry. Half Hungarian and half German. All infantry divisions with Hungarian and Germans will be veteran.The artillery will be manned and command figures and flags will be added.

I have now ordered some more infantry, and included a pack of Ancient British warband.. The Napoleonic lead pile has diminished quite nicely But I won't be ordering any French until I have finished the Austrian and Prussians. I need to sort through the French as some seem to be 10 mm as opposed to 6 mm. 
Making progress and happy with it.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Napoleonic update

Here are the first pictures of the Austrians cavalry, based and almost ready for action. I have yet to paint the cavalry standard of the Hussars. I also have to attach the stats on the rear of the base and add a command section to the cuirassiers. Possibly even the Hussars.
Austrian Hussars, Uhlans and Cuirassiers

The cavalry work out well as 1 figure = 2 squadrons. As each base = a division that is 3 divisions of cavalry.
You may notice that the front of the base of the cuirassiers is darker than the back. I paint the bases prior to flocking to give better coverage.
A problem with the infantry. I tried to maximise the facing colours of the infantry in the Austrian army. I had wanted 4 units to a base with 2 units of each with the same facing colours. One behind the other. This wasn't strictly necessary as each individual unit would be 2 battalions of the same regiment. But I wanted the look of it. I thought I had done enough but have found it not to be the case.
I could make up an avant-garde unit with the cavalry and one unit with some artillery thrown in. I like the thought of that. But that would mean a sparse base as the avant-garde was only brigade strength. I could halve the stats to give a proportionate effectiveness. I wonder if anyone else has done that?
I will take a moment to assess the quantity and type of figures required to make up the bases for what I have at the moment. It will mean that I will drop the French start for now to finish the Prussian and Austrians as there will be extra painting. But it will mean larger armies for both. This re-evaluation is because I had wanted to clear all the unpainted figures that have built up. Now I have to add to the pile!
I know, though, that I am short of cavalry for the Prussians so this is no bad thing.

Until next time.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Blucher basing

I have received the bases from Sally4th (Sally4th).
Instead of the 80mm bases I have opted for the 75mm size since the measuring implement is ready made.
The idea, if you remember, is to use each base as a division. I have looked at many depictions and found that, to me, just 1 or 2 battalions doesn't look like the effect I want.
Having tested how the figures will look on the base I have opted for 12 figure battalions in 2 ranks. That will be 4 battalions to a base which would look more like a brigade or division.I had thought to go for a slightly smaller figure ratio but I think it is the right decision for me. There won't be a lot of space between the battalions side by side but a there is a discernible gap.
I need to order some more figures from Heroics & Ros (heroicsandros) as the French I bought from eBay is a mixed bag of all the different types and I have no idea what is what and if they are enough for a corp or two.
Perhaps even a bag or 2 of the ancient British for the warbands?
Pictures when the first are based.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Poems for Wargamers 3

Fighting South of the Castle

They fought south of the Castle,They died north of the wall.They died in the moors and were not buried.Their flesh was the food of crows.“Tell the crows we are not afraid;We have died in the moors and cannot be buried.Crows, how can our bodies escape you?”The waters flowed deepAnd the rushes in the pool were dark.The riders fought and were slain:Their horses wander neighing.By the bridge there was a house.Was it south, was it north?The harvest was never gathered.How can we give you your offerings?You served your Prince faithfully,
Though all in vain.I think of you, faithful soldiers;Your service shall not be forgotten.For in the morning you went out to battleAnd at night you did not return
Anon 124 BC

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Colonel Bill's cart crews

We often think that painting is both a chore and takes ages. This is not always so. Taking a break from the Prussians, I painted 3 of the cart crew I bought at Campaign 2017, which took no time at all. They are basic figures in all essence.

I like how this figure looks. The paint is mainly glaze, shade and washes from Games Workshop (games-workshop).

Another figure with a shade,wash &glaze. Top only in this case

As noted elsewhere, I am trying for individuality. The village figures, i.m.h.o., should be a bit grungy. Which is why the shade; washes & glazes are such a big help. They tone down vibrant colours and make them seem lived in and washed a lot.

I do have the sitting figure to paint. But on with the Napoleonics meantime.

Thanks for looking

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Poems for Wargamers 2


“We grasp our battle-spears: we don our breast-plates of hide.The axles of our chariots touch: our short swords meet.Standards obscure the sun: the foe roll up like clouds.Arrows fall thick: the warriors press forward.They menace our ranks: they break our line.The left-hand trace-horse is dead: the one on the right is smitten.The fallen horses block our wheels: they impede the yoke-horses!”
They grasp their jade drum-sticks: they beat the sounding drums.Heaven decrees their fall: the dread Powers are angry.
The warriors are all dead: they lie on the moor-field.They issued but shall not enter: they went but shall not return.[24]The plains are flat and wide: the way home is long.
Their swords lie beside them: their black bows, in their hand.Though their limbs were torn, their hearts could not be repressed.They were more than brave: they were inspired with the spirit of “Wu''.Steadfast to the end, they could not be daunted.Their bodies were stricken, but their souls have taken Immortality—Captains among the ghosts, heroes among the dead.
By Ch’ü Yüan (332-295 b.c.),

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

New acquisitions and update

Some new acquisitions for Ronin and a picture of the village elders house in construction.
I was excited to, at last, find some bamboo for Ronin. This is great news! 100 pc's for a £6.41. There are 3 sizes in total; 7, 9 and 13 cm. Around 2/3 rd's are the larger size and an equal division between the other two. I got these from STK e-shop on Amazon. They are based in Hong Kong. I'll look forward to planting these when I next buy bases.

To give an idea of the scale, this is a Dixon miniature 25 mm figure. Wonderful!

Next up are two purchases from Colonel Bill's Wargames Depot (Colonle Bill's Wargames Depot). I bought them at Campaign in Milton Keynes last Saturday (mkws). This is an annual wargames and competition show and, usually, I go for both days and stay hours. I could only stay a short while which is why I didn't actually buy much this time. I think I'm making up for it with online purchases.

The first is a pack of more civilians. This time to go with the handcarts that I bought with the village elders house.

Next are some bales and sacks to go on the carts or as scenery in the games. I have a specific reason for this as I want to wargame a raid on the rice barn at some stage.

I found this beauty on I don't know where!

This stage will look great as a stage for a town fight. The name of the company is ttcombat ( There are also other Japanese buildings to view on their site. I will let you look for yourselves or you may like to wait until I buy some and build them before deciding .

This is where I am with the village elders house I am currently building as a relief from the Napoleonic's.

And these are the two carts I bought along with the above. I don't know whether to paint these. I think I might buy some and paint them for the town and leave these for the games set in the rustic wilderness.

Lastly, these cherry blossom trees from the Model Tree Shop (themodeltreeshop). Not exactly enthused by the models though they are adequate. I was hoping for a little more realism, I suppose. I may look at some means of improving them. Any ideas welcome.

At the end of the month I expect to buy some bases for the Napoleonic's.
Now, what can I ask for Fathers day?

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Poems for wargamers

There are many poems about war and I thought I would like to share those that I know and those I find along the way.
First up is a poem I found in an anthology of poetry years ago:-

The Blue and the Gray
Francis Miles Finch

By the flow of the inland river,
Whence the fleets of iron have fled,
Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver,
Asleep are the ranks of the dead:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Under the one, the Blue,
Under the other the Gray.

These are robings of glory,
Those in the gloom of defeat,
All with the battle-blood gory,
In the dusk of eternity meet:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Under the laurel, the Blue,
Under the willow, the Gray

From the silence of sorrowful hours
The desolate mourners go,
Lovingly laden with flowers,
Alike for the friend and the foe:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Under the rose, the Blue
Under the lilies, the Gray.

So, with an equal splendour,
The morning sun rays fall,
With a touch impartially tender,
On the blossoms blooming for all:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Broidered with gold, the Blue
Mellowed with gold, the Gray.

So when the summer calleth.
On forest, and field of grain,
With an equal murmur falleth,
The cooling drip of the rain:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Wet with the rain, the Blue,
Wet with the rain, the Gray.

Sadly, but not with upbraiding,
The generous deed was done,
In the storm of the years that are fading,
No braver battle was won:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Under the blossoms, the Blue,
Under the garlands, the Gray.

No more shall the war cry sever,
Or the winding rivers be red,
They banish our anger forever,
When they laurel the graves of our dead!
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting for judgement day:
Love and tears for the Blue
Tears and love for the Gray

I will post occasional poems. There are some nice, translated, poems from ancient China that I like. I hope you will too.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

The aquisitions

Hello again!
Coming back from my trip I feel exhausted. This is not how these things are supposed to work.
So I had a rest by going back to work.
Because of space and weight reasons I couldn't take the figures and paints I wanted. So no painting done, though I had some time to do some.
Coming back I restarted the programme but couldn't get into it like I was before. Sometimes it's like that.
Now, I am taking it more slowly. It's going better this way. I expect to finish the Austrians and Prussians in the first 6 months, That leaves 6 months for the French of which I haven't painted any before.
The basing I have chosen will be by Sally 4th (Sally 4th). 80 mm would seem ideal.

So what do we have?
The rule book for Blucher

I'm liking what I read in Blucher. Elan seems to work and is readily observable. I'm not sure if I want the stats on the bases though. I have time to think that through.

and Frostgrave

Do I want to start Frostgrave so soon after starting Ronin and the unfinished Napoleonics? Yes!

But it will have to wait. There is so much to do on the other two projects (the Napoleonics especially) that I wouldn't be able to complete any. A wargamers curse to be sure. You read of many unfinished projects. I have one that I started years ago though it wasn't a project in name. I bought the Airfix Zulu wars British and Zulus boxes. They are in the garage with books and other things. Perhaps I should buy 'The men who would be King' or some other colonial game rules. Then perhaps not. There may be other rules that come out before I finish all the planned painting.

Frostgrave. I have seen all the YouTube games by Guerilla Miniature Games, and some others. Of mixed viewing to be sure!. I've devoured many a game on the blogs also. So I won't buy anything yet. But what if I used the Heroquest figures for a game?
That is a possibility. Wizard, barbarian, skeletons, zombies. A few, very few, D&D figures and hey presto! I would have to check exactly what I have to see if it makes it possible. I could use the Heroquest board for some of the scenarios in the Frostgrave Folio. Or any scenario set within a building.

But for now, back to the painting. Which, by the way, isn't going to badly!

Monday, 30 January 2017

Napoleonic update

The new year started and I opened my last two presents of Christmas
A very welcome 2017 Wargames Annual, one actually on the list which was two items long, Vikings being the other.
The second, an unexpected new version of DBMM Vol 2 The Classical Period.
My cup runneth over this year with wargames items if you include the shogunate buildings.

I have been having a tidy up and sorting through my Napoleonics ready for the big challenge. I find I have the following Austrians:-
AN1 x 36 @5 =180 Musketeers in shako
AN2 x 18 @5 =90 Grenadiers
AN3 x 20 @5 =100 Jaegers
AN4 x 14 @3 =42 Currassiers
AN5 x 12 @5 =60 Artillery
AN7 x 14 @3 =42 Hussars
AN9 x 14 @3 =42 Lancers
A total of 556 figures excluding the cannons and flag bearers.
The figures I bought were for the early war years. I wanted distinction between the nationalities, L'ordre mixte, column and other formations for the French. Line for everyone else. I think this offers more visual enjoyment than all the continentals using the column attack. And some variation in tactics.
The painting is coming along nicely. Most of the work on the Austrians is done. Not looking too bad, just not quite as good as the ancients I have been painting.

Having looked at various blogs and reviews I may go with battalions of 18 figures, but I am getting a little ahead of myself. My current units were set up with varying unit sizes, as was the case with nations choosing their own battalion complement.. The basing was also irregular as in cavalry, artillery and infantry were not on equal size bases. I will wait until I have the rules before I decide which way to go.
I was going to wait until most of the painting was done before buying the rules. A trip to London to get my visa took me close to the Ork's Nest, a wargames shop near Covent Garden, China Town and Tottenham Court Road.. Temptation was too much!
I now have the rules bought at the Ork's Nest (Ork'sNest) in London. Also, Polemos Napoleonic rules (Napoleonic Rules) and companion from eBay UK for under £10!. These rules are actually 2 in one. One for divisional games General de Division and another section, at the back, Marechal de L'Empire for larger battles. I can use both rules for the bases I am considering. Whether it is 60mm as advised or 80mm I will look at when I come back from Cuba.

I have decided that I will take the Asiatics to Cuba as the Napoleonics are going so well. I have undercoated them ready. I will take a limited pallet of colours and add more colour when I come back. I don't want to be over burdened with paint pots!

Only time will tell.